937, Stand Up!

Hey friends!

There’s so much going on, but never too much to give back! So, I present to you Heart On My Sleeve 937! This idea came about one day, when I contacted one of my buddies to make me a few tees/sweatshirts! It’s no secret that I’m very vocal and upfront about the struggles in my marriage… but I also want the world to know how happy I am being Mrs. Newcomb! With her starting a new business, I thought it would be a wonderful way to support her… and wear some custom dope tees!

Heart On My Sleeve 937 is inspired by the man himself, Mr. Blake Newcomb. There are days where I want the world to know I’m W I F E Y… and then there are days where I want to cut his balls off (am I allowed to publicly say that?!)! When I say I wear my heart on my sleeve, I LI T E R A L L Y wear my heart on my sleeve! I also happened to come across three other boss babes, who are clients of mine… and were kind enough to make me the most A M A Z I N G customized items! If you know me, you know I’m:

ALL about supporting women… and especially women who support M E.

Love gifts (one of my love languages), and even more when they are customized just for M E.

Have been wanting to get into philanthropy -like activites, slowly, B U T surely.

Are you still following me?! LOL I know I tend to bounce around, but that’s exactly what happened in that brain of mine! In a nutshell, I wanted to produce customizable statement pieces, created by women entrepreneurs in D A Y T O N… and somehow give back to the people of Dayton. W H E W! That was a lot… but a lot of important shit in one sentence.



C O M M U N I T Y …

That and a little bit of love/hate is what embodies Heart On My Sleeve 937! I want to appeal to the woman who’s madly in love with her partner… and also to the girl who is reeling from a breakup! I want to empower Black entrepreneurs, because I’m not supposed to be here… but I’m here.. and I’m standing tall. Lastly, I want to spread love throughout my city. I believe it takes a village; and with the climate our country is in, it is crucial for me to give back everything they have given me!

Please support Heart On My Sleeve 937. Please support women entrepreneurs. Please support each other! We are all we have!

Much Love,


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